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Antonio Moreno-Sandoval

Antonio Moreno-Sandoval ( is Professor of Linguistics, Director of the Computational Linguistics Laboratory at the UAM and Director of the UAM-IIC Chair in Computational Linguistics. He was a Fulbright postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Computer Science at New York University (1991-1992) and a DAAD postdoctoral fellow at the University of Augsburg (1998). His training in Computational Linguistics began as a research assistant at the EU FP-2 Eurotra Machine Translation Project and then at the IBM Science Center in Madrid (1989-1990). He was the principal investigator of the Spanish team in the C-ORAL-ROM project (EU FP-5). Since 2010 he is Senior Researcher at the Institute of Knowledge Engineering (IIC-UAM) within the Social Business Analytics group. Since 2018 he is also Director of the UAM-IIC Chair in Computational Linguistics. Moreno-Sandoval has supervised 14 theses to date. He is the author or co-author of 6 books, including Computational Linguistics (1998), Unification Grammars and Features (2001), Languages and Computation (2019), and Financial Narrative Processing in Spanish (2021), and of more than 100 scientific papers and articles. Moreno-Sandoval has directed as PI 1 European project, 7 national projects, 2 regional projects, and 15 R&D transfer contracts

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