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The purpose of DIGITENDER is twofold: on the one hand, it aims to digitise the high-quality multilingual terminology resources already available in IULMA and to publish them on the web in a searchable, open and interoperable format; on the other hand, this project is born with the determination to also visualise women through terminological resources and for this reason we will edit some terminology records for gender marking and will complete the terminology series on women's health issues with new subdomains and terms.


Several secondary objectives can be derived from this central two-fold objective. They are presented below divided by the sub-projects that make up the project:


Subproject 1:


  1. Stage I-1: Collect and organise terminological resources and classify them according to their availability (immediate or in request) and file format. From this objective, other operational ones emerge, which are:
    • Prepare collection 1 (paper dictionaries) and 2 (WEALTH terminologies).
    • Contact the publisher to collect distribution rights for collection 1.
    • Consult with intellectual property experts.
  2. Stage II-1: Convert terminology files. From this objective, other operational ones emerge, which are:
    • Analyse file formats in depth both in Collection 1 and 2 from a computational point of view in order to know how to act in each case and establish a working protocol.
    • Carry out batch file conversion processes, i.e., according to their original format (doc, rtf, mdb, martif) and to TBX.
    • Perform proof of concept for converting from TBX to SKOS.
  3. Stage III-1: Setting up the web-based terminology platform for the integration, editing and publication of digital terminology content. From this objective, other operational ones emerge, which are:
    • Files’ migration to a MySQL or SQL Server relational database.
    • Detect format conversion errors.
    • Correction of conversion errors by (semi)automatic or manual editing.
    • Review and update the digital term records to ensure that they are gender-sensitive where necessary. We will also need to:
      1. Establish linguistic filters for Spanish in order to obtain an exhaustive list of the terminology records to be edited.
      2. Edit the resulting list and validate the records.
    • Review and update the content of terminologies, according to their subject-matter.
    • Process and manage new terms from subproject 2.
    • Build the SKOS files repository for our terminological, open and interoperable resources.

Subproject 2:


  1. Stage 1-2: Create Women’s Health corpus (WEALTH Corpus) for the project. To this end, some operational objectives emerge:
    • Elaborate the conceptual map from key subdomains to collect a representative and balanced sample of texts for WEALTH Corpus
    • Collect the bilingual corpus using the WikiCorpora Composer tool, along with other tools.
    • Process WEALTH corpora linguistically.
  2. Stage 2-2: Extract new WEALTH terminology. To this end, three operational objectives emerge:
    • Implement computationally a new medical terminology extractor by adjusting MultiMEDICA, also to English.
    • Extract terms candidates in both languages (English and Spanish).
    • Analyse and select the final terms in each language and subdomain covered in the concept map.
    • Convert them to TBX format.
  1. Stage 2-2: Share new terms to subproject 1.
    • Prepare new list(s) to be shared with subproject 1.



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