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Isabel Santamaría Pérez

Full Professor of Spanish Language in the Department of Spanish Philology, General Linguistics and Theory of Literature at the University of Alicante. Doctor in Hispanic Philology (Extraordinary Doctorate Award) and Master in Terminology. Has completed three periods of research. She is Director of the Degree "Expert in International Patient Assistant/International Biomedical Assistant: doctor-patient linguistic mediation" (University of Alicante). She is the Director of the University of La Marina. She has directed 2 PhD theses and is currently supervising 6 PhD theses.

Her research interests are focused on the study of lexicography, specialized languages, specialized discourses, terminology and neology. She has participated in conferences and courses with communications and papers, as well as in book chapters in prestigious publishing publishers (Peter Lang, Octaedro, Tirant lo Blanch, etc.) and articles in CLAC, Verba, Lenguaje, Cultura y Representación, Estudios Románicos, Caplletra, Lingüística Española Actual, etc.

She is currently Principal Researcher of the NEOTERMED Project. Neology and terminology in health sciences: multidimensional analysis and variation in biomedical discourse. Application to the field of Assisted Reproduction for health literacy and gender equality (CIAICO/2021/074) and co-director of the DIGITENDER Project: "Digitalization, processing and online publication of open multilingual terminology resources with a gender perspective in the digital society (TED2021-130040B-C21)", funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, the State Research Agency and the European Union. She is also part of the research team of the Metapres-Coling: Linguistic columnism in the Spanish press since its origins. Multidimensional analysis, characterization and applications and Lexmed: Medical lexicon and definition: the dynamic construction of terminological meaning through a school lexicographic corpus. She is also coordinator in the Valencian Community of the FCRI LEXCOVID Project: Imaginaries of the pandemic: the construction of a scientific discourse in the child population through the conceptualization of the words

She is director of the research group "Español Profesional y Académico (EPA)" ( and coordinator of the group "NeoUA" (Neology of the University of Alicante), integrated in NEOROC (Red de Neología de las Lenguas Románicas) of the University Pompeu Fabra (

She is member of the Editorial Committee of ELUA (Estudios de Lingüística de la Universidad de Alicante) (  She is a member of the Scientific Committee of LEA, RILEX, Fraseolex, RILI and Español Actual and external evaluator of journals such as Ibérica, Revista de Filología de la Universidad de La Laguna or Revista de Investigación Lingüística. She is also a member of several organizations and associations related to the study of the Spanish language.


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